1. Premium Quality CISS MP210
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    Premium Quality CISS MP210
    [40/41 rihac]

    Price:  $115.00


Premium Quality CISS

Prefilled with 400ml of ink

US UV nano-micron filtered ink

Inks colour profiled specifically to match Canon PG-40, CL-41, PG-50
& CL-51 series cartridge

UV absorber components for increased print fade life

Silicone tubing and ABS plastic ink reservoirs (UV block)

Isobaric equilibrium structure (Constant pressure)

400mls of ink is equivalent to approximately 14.5 cartridges which would

cost you over $656.18*


Quality of CISS
Ink Quality
Easy Install
Full Support Provided
Important Information: Please read prior to making a purchase of this product:

Installation of the DIY CISS unit requires the use of the two OEM cartridges currently used by your printer. These cartridges are modified using the tools and instructions provided with your kit to allow them to be used with the CIS system. The following images give a brief overview of the installation.
* The DIY CISS kit includes the hand drill tool necessary to adapt the OEM cartridges(as pictured above)
** The DIY kit DOES NOT include the cartridges which must be supplied by the use